Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Maritime Launch Services files Focus Report to Nova Scotia Environment Department

Mar 22, 2019 | Local News

The proponents of a Spaceport near Canso has tabled a focus report to provincial regulators.

A Cyclone 4M Rocket from Ukraine that will be used by Maritime Launch Services to send satellites into space from the Canso/Hazel Hill area.

The focus report was ordered last August by provincial Environment Minister Margaret Miller, saying she needed more information from Maritime Launch Services on the project before she can sign off.

The focus report examines the potential impact on water resources, soil, air quality, noise, flora and fauna, fish and fish habitat, protected areas and parks, management of dangerous goods, waste management, human health and contingency planning.

The company says it will ramp up to a maximum of eight launches a year over the first five years of operation.

A public concern for this project is the use of hydrazine as a rocket propellant. It is a highly toxic compound to humans, used extensively in the launching of rockets and in satellite engines.

MLS, in its 475 page focus report, says the project is anticipated to have minimal effect on human health and will be verified before and during launch through active monitoring measures. MLS says only certified personnel will be allowed to work with hydrazine fuel. Safety training will be provided and personnel will be equipped with appropriate protective equipment.

The public has until April 19th to comment on the Environmental Assessment.

Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year