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Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Nurse-Family Partnership Program announced for Expecting Parents in Eastern Zone

Oct 2, 2023 | Local News

Nova Scotia Public Health has announced a new program for expecting parents is coming to the

Antigonish MLA and Health and Wellness Minister Michelle Thompson

province’s eastern health zone.

The Nurse-Family Partnership program partners a Public Health nurse with clients who are expecting a child while experiencing overlapping challenges. Such challenges include those related to mental health, or social or economic circumstances.

A release from Public Heath states the partnership between the nurse and client starts early in pregnancy and continues until the child’s second birthday to improve pregnancy outcomes, child health and development, and the families’ economic self-sufficiency.

Antigonish MLA and provincial Health Minister Michelle Thompson said training is starting now.  A consultant is in the area working with the local public health leadership team and public health nurses.


Nova Scotia Public Health in Eastern Zone will run the referral program as a pilot, with referrals anticipated to start early next year. Clients can self-refer or be referred by health care providers or community organizations.


To learn more about the program, visit

Arsenault Monuments
Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Arsenault Monuments
Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year