The de-sludging work at the Antigonish sewer treatment plant is continuing, with the possibility of the work moving to 24-hours a day until the work wraps up.
CAO Randy Delorey offered an update on the project during a report to council on Monday night, stating the work is 50 per cent complete but an equipment issue last week delayed work by a few days. The company has been working12-hour days and are considering moving to working 24-hours a day, when the equipment is repaired, until the work is completed.

Antigonish Sewage Treatment Facility (Town of Antigonish photo)
The original working timeline was for 20 working days. Neighbours in the nearby vicinity are being contacted to advise them of the potential switch to 24-hour works days and see if they have any concerns. It is estimated they would need to switch to 24-hour days for about four full days.
Antigonish awarded the tender for the lagoon sludge removal and transport from its sewer treatment plant to GFL in early November. The price tag for the de-sludging is just over $465,361.