A man who as chief of the Barney’s River Fire Department successfully advocated the twinning of Highway 104 from Sutherland’s River to Antigonish is looking to enter municipal politics.
Joe MacDonald has announced he will seek the District One seat on Pictou County Council in October’s municipal election. MacDonald is a lifelong resident of District One with his wife Laura. The graduate of East Pictou Rural High School works in the family business with his brother.
MacDonald has volunteered with the Barney’s River Fire Department for 37 years, and is a past president of the Pictou County Firefighters Association and a past member of the Pictou County Fire Liaison Committee. He also volunteered with the Kenzieville Cemetery Committee, Kenzieville Community Center and the Nova Scotia Hemophilia Society. He’s also been awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal and was awarded the Municipality of Pictou County’s Volunteer of the Year.
MacDonald says if elected, residents can rest assured he will continue to advocate for them as their councillor in District One.