A local student captured a bronze medal at the Canada Wide Science Fair held recently in Ottawa.
Saanvi Vishwakarma, a Grade 7 student at St. Andrew Junior School earned a Bronze Medal for her entry “Microscopic Investigation of Indigenous Food Preservation Technique”

Saanvi Vishwakarma at the Canada Wide Science Fair (Strait Regional Centre for Education photo)
Local students have done well at the Canada Wide Science Fair over the past couple of years. Beth Tubman of Dalbrae Academy captured a Bronze Medal last year and Elise Munro, also of Dalbrae Academy earned Bronze in the virtual Canada Wide Science Fair in 2022.

SRCE Science Fair Winners at National Fair in Ottawa – ready for judging. (Strait Region Centre for Education)
Tubman and Munro had entries in this year’s national science fair along with Grade 7 student Irelyn MacLennan of St. Andrew Junior School.