Nova Scotia NDP Leader Claudia Chender was in Antigonish on Friday as part of her campaigning efforts leading up to tomorrow’s provincial election.

Claudia Chender (Samson Photography photo)
Chender visited the Shannex Parkland Antigonish Nursing Home in Antigonish with local candidate John David MacIsaac after spending some time in Sydney. When asked what she heard from Antigonish residents during her stop, Chender said the comments were similar to those she heard from residents across the province.
When asked what she feels the NDP can do to help residents with those sorts of concerns, Chender said they have a great plan. As far as health care goes, she said they need to attach people to doctor clinics. The NDP want to build 15 collaborative care clinics in their first year in office, and 15 in each of the next two years.
Chender said the NDP plans to incentivize the building of housing people can actually afford and protect renters, adding they also want make life easier with tax cuts, such as dropping the HST from essentials and cutting the gas tax.
Speaking about local NDP candidate John David MacIsaac, she called the long-time volunteer someone who cares about the community.