Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Richmond Municpal Council approves Funding to Local Organizations

Jun 25, 2024 | Local News

With their budget approved, Richmond Municipal Council had a number of funding decisions to make at last night’s regular monthly meeting in Arichat.

Council approved $20,000 to the Louisdale Lions Club for their multi-million dollar waterfront project in the village.

Under Canada Day Grant Funds, the Johnstown’s Harbour Wharf was approved for $500 and $400 will go to the South Mountain Arm of Gold Community Association.

The River Bourgeois Community Services Society will get $500 from the District 4 Fund

The Richmond River Roots Market Garden Society was approved for $6,650.

Warden Amanda Mombourquette said staff reached out to the group to clarify that the request has five parts; staff time, paying for a workshop, advertisements, an activity coordinator, and an administrative fee.

Members of Richmond County County Council: (left to right) District 1 Councillor Shawn Samson, District 3 Councillor Melanie
Sampson, District 5 Councillor Brent Sampson, District 4 Councillor and Warden Amanda Mombourquette, and District 2 Councillor and Deputy Warden Michael Diggdon (photo by Jake Boudrot)

Because the event is open to people from all over the municipality, District 3 Councillor Melanie Sampson supported using general funds and offered $500 from her district fund.

Deputy Warden Shawn Samson agreed with the warden that the society does “important work” and he agreed to provide $500 from the District 1 Fund.

District 2 Councillor Michael Diggdon agreed to provide $500 from his district fund and suggested that the other half come from the General Grant Fund.

Noting that the organization is not receiving funds from other sources, District 5 Councillor Brent Sampson noted that workshops on issues like food security are vital to residents.

Council voted to provide the society with $4,400 from the General Grant Fund, then $500 each from the Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4 funds, and $250 from the District 5 Fund.

The River Bourgeois Mariner Society was greenlit for $1,500 in funding.

Noting that this is a fundraising event, the district 3 councillor did not support using regional funds, noting that it sets a bad precedent, while the district 5 councillor said the request fits in more with the Type 3 grant fund, and he supported approving $1,000.

Diggdon disagreed, noting that council has helped “several organizations” in this way.

Council agreed to provide the society with $1,000 from the District 4 Fund and $500 from the Regional Grant Fund.

Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year