A St. FX University Sociology professor Dr. Katie Aubrecht has launched a study about programs

St. FX Sociology Professor and Canada Research Chair Health Equity & Social Justice Katie Aubrecht (St. FX University photo)
and supports for vulnerable older adults living with dementia and their caregivers in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Aubrecht says information will be gathered to support a base-line understanding of what dementia services and supports exist for people living in the community in all their geographic, social, and cultural diversity. She says her study will also explore how that’s changed since the pandemic began.
Aubrecht has received almost $55,000 in funding for the study from the COVID-19 Health Research Coalition, with partners that include the Nova Scotia Health Authority, Dalhousie University and the school’s Medical Research Foundation, the IWK Health Centre and its Foundation, the QE11 Health Sciences Foundation and Research Nova Scotia.
Collaborators in this study include Alzheimer Society Nova Scotia and National Alzheimer Society of Ireland, the V.O.N and the Maritime Strategy for Patient Oriented Research.
If you would like to participate in the study, email caubrech@stfx.ca