Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Traffic Concerns raised at New Glasgow Town Council

Jun 18, 2024 | Local News


There was some discussion of traffic concerns at New Glasgow Town Council.

The Traffic Unit made several recommendations to council:  one to place additional stop signs at the intersection of Herbert and Elm Streets passed, while other stop sign placements were referred to the town engineering department. Traffic didn’t recommend putting a marked crosswalk on George Street, nor did it recommend signage at Lovat (love-it) Crescent. Council narrowly approved the recommendations as received, although councillors want to continue to work with the Traffic Unit to find ways to make it safer for children that play on the street in the Lovat Crescent area.

Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year