Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Federal Minister of Employment, Workforce Development And Disability visits Cape Breton and Antigonish Area

Apr 14, 2023 | Community Events

The federal minister of employment, workforce development, and disability visited parts of

Carla Qualtrough Official Portrait/ Portrait officiel
in Ottawa, ONTARIO, Canada on October 25, 2021.
Credit: Bernard Thibodeau, House of Commons Photo Services

Cape Breton and Antigonish yesterday and is in Antigonish this morning to discuss the recent federal budget with residents.

Minister Carla Qualtrough made stops in Cape Breton yesterday morning before landing in Antigonish in the afternoon, noting it is exciting to be back in Nova Scotia.


Qualtrough said like a lot of Canadians, Nova Scotians are concerned about health care, and pointed to the increase of $198.6 billion over 10 years for health care, which includes $5 billion over that time for Nova Scotia. She also said the recent grocery rebate and investments in businesses are also big topics for her locally, as are the elimination of student loan interest and the increase of weekly amounts for student loans.


So far, she said everyone has been friendly and engaged.

Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year